Thursday, June 21, 2018

Human rights are not for aliens! *throws back head to laugh*

There are two schools of thought leading the arguments on family separation at the border. On one side are those who agree with the administration of the American government such as G.S. who says on social media that, “they aren’t migrants, they are invaders” he believes that human rights do not apply to the individuals in detention for attempting to cross the U.S. / Mexico border. People like G. are supporting a United States retreat from the United Nations agreements on protecting human rights.
Our young people are so disconnected from one another that their parents must be a weakened generation drowning in the broken-heartedness of shame. The internet is flooded with 25 to 35-year-old children living at home with their parents. With (mostly high school dropouts or) some community college experience under their belts they form robust opinions on complex community and social issues. Such as human rights. All of a sudden, their leadership qualities acquired in the boy scouts kicks in and they are leading an internet drove of 350 similarly stunted individuals and a league of trolls develops. They spew doctrines and ideas that in themselves reveal a lack of basic education and understanding. Doctrines such as “taking parents away from children are just punishment for them breaking our laws and entering the country illegally.” This is a basic paraphrase combining the ideals of this school of thought.

People who are still yelling “Ma. Food!” from the basement are leading the general population in selfish ideologies that lead to inhumane treatment of others. From the comfort of their mother’s old living room couch that’s now his. It sits in the damp of his basement abode. The troll lounges on it in his underwear while he taps away on the laptop. It’s the one his father bought for him six years ago hoping he would get that 2-year degree (after 4 years in community college). “No one should have human rights!” he catches himself typing. *delete *delete *delete he continues. Realizing his blood sugar must be low he calls, “Ma! Orange Juice!”
On the other side, we have normal, sufficiently educated people. People busy adulting. They agree that human rights must be protected or we are all at the mercy of capital, (which knows no mercy). They work for capital, live in capital’s housing, and rely on capital to keep things running smooth enough that they can educate their own children. Most of them have at least one child with autism, or worse in their life to keep their mind occupied and off of human rights.

I hope you laughed, cried, or felt something.   It is important we see each other for who we are. There are many people who do not fit into any of these categories. We must remember that we are connected. We are our ‘brothers and sisters’, keepers’. If we keep ignoring human rights violations and fighting over color and race and class then we are not going to make it. Humans will be extinct.
Perhaps capital will rule the world. Perhaps it will pay humans to develop A.I. and it can take on a life of its own vicariously through computers. Oh how the prayers of humans would shift to there being a real Nibiru to come on a fly-by to earth and short out the wifi. 

 Whatever we believe, we humans really need to step up our game. Cheers! To the boy scout drop outs leading the world on thought propagation through the internet! Who will be next to step up and lead?

Supporting free expression, it is requested that all comments add to or challenge the content in contribution to a conversation we must begin as a civilian unit. No name calling or bullying. 

author l diamond 6/21/2018

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