Saturday, September 21, 2013

Fukushima, is a nuclear accident inevitable in your area?

One third of Americans  live within 50 miles of a nuclear reactor. Insurance companies in the United States do not cover property contaminated by nuclear materials. If your house is affected, you could be displaced permanently and lose everything.  
FEMA covers some loss based on certain disasters. The pfd FEMA published here: states:
"A major disaster, as defined by the Stafford Act, is any natural catastrophe, or regardless of 
cause, any fire, flood, or explosion, which in the determination of the President causes 
damage of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant major disaster assistance to 
supplement efforts and available resources of States, local government, and disaster relief 
organizations in alleviating the damage, loss, hardship, or suffering caused by the disaster."
Neither expressly including or excluding what I will dub NUCLEAR LOSS.  On page 43 of the article 'natural' and 'man-made' are put into a chart that implys because nuclear loss is man-made it is not covered. The only slight illusion to protection one gets is the minor 'regardless of cause' clause in that one parragraph. Scary isnt it?
Use the tool on here: to find out if you are within an evacuation zone and are at risk.  Also notice the number of people who would have to be evacuated if there was an accident at the plant closest to you.

Gathering information to be prepared is the most responsible thing you can do. Prayer, meditation, and energy work can help you and your family stay calm durring trying times. Be prepared for the worst possible case scenario you can handle within your community, and trust that FEMA is working hard to get ahead of any wost case scenario.  For information on Reiki Treatments, Training, and Energy sessions please visit For inormation on the hard work the members of FEMA are doing visit them at

Lucy Diamond
Reiki Master

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