Saturday, September 21, 2013

USA CDC says " Please share 'BE PREPARED' message "

The CDC has issued this flier and asked for it to be passed everywhere to everyone. They want everyone to be prepared for quarentines, natural disasters, and any other kind of tragedy that can affect large numbers of individuals in the population.
A generator can bring some peace of mind to homeowners, especially anyone who may have a sump pump or well water. It will keep the heater and the water pump going for about 3 days with a few gallons of petro.
An extra propaine tank for the grill if you end up not having indoor cooking available.
Peroxide, alcohol and bandages are a good items to stock up on. Vinegar and amonia are usedful as well. Bugs and animals dont like the smell of either and if it comes to that its a cheap enough item at under two dollars a gallon each. Baking soda comes in more handy than you would imagine and it too is very cheap and easy to store. Pasta in tough situations will soften when soaked in water for longer than the 8 minutes it takes to soften it when it boils, its filling too.

Practice your evacuation plan, prepare yourself in your mind and everything will work out for you without panic. Practice deep breathing and mediation so that if something should happen in your area you can continue to be a contributor to your family, friends, and community.

Lucy Diamond

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