Wednesday, October 9, 2013

immediate imposition allowed
Someone should ask the Secretary of Health and Human services how people who work part time are counted. Unemployment is not available for those who work part-time. When it is a second income and becomes an unavailable job it is not counted when a person keeps the primary position either.
'Not running the health insurance they are only running enrollment' Kathleen Sebelius claimed on the Jon Stewart show. Like the gracious lady and polished politician she is, the question as to why the immediate imposition on the tax payer is imposed while large corporations have acquired a stay was turned into a romantic dance about how big companies already offer insurance to their employees.
I wonder if she is aware that at the large shipping company, with the brown uniforms, employees are covered but their family members (including spouses and children ) now are not under their new contracts. The spouses and children of those (non-union) employees are expected by the large company to buy into the system immediately like everyone else.
No citizen of the states benefit from the stay and many are harmed. This practice is one that will hemorrhage the system. Forcing them to cover the spouses and offspring and perhaps elderly parents as well makes more sense.

When will the government hold the corporate citizen 'ships' accountable? I look forward to the day that there is a world government, independant and incorruptible, and open to every individual world citizen in real time. It is a right thing that one income should support a family. That families would have time each day to spend together. That every child would be provided for by his own.

Secretary. H&H Kathleen Sebelius said they realize that they are "bringing western civilization to its knees" and that we are "facing the end of the western civilization by bringing market based strategy" offering no bright side may be the down-fall of her ability to save face  before the citizenship of the country.
She will be the one over seeing the states ability to assess individual households by monitoring their progress in doing so. 245 PPACA (Consolidated) Sec. 2951\511 SSA Subtitle L—Maternal and Child Health Services page 264 of the pdf you can download here My faith in her ability to look our for individuals is shattered; even with her fairy tale tone. She is 'one of them' protecting the interests of the name-less, never to be held accountable ''corporate individual', The 'boogyman',  'an invisible person'  or 'imaginary scape goat' which is the national and international corporations on the crazy train I believe is ready to crash. Soon grievances against them will be brought to the United Nations and they will be forced to their knees. What do you believe?

Lucy D

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