Friday, September 6, 2013

do you care about me? does what I say matter to you at all?

"A worldwide day of fasting and prayer for peace on Sept. 7. Global strike for peace will beat Obama’s military strike by two days at least because Congress is back Sept. 9 .
You matter so sooooo much!!  If you are connected to me then you know you matter to me already, and there are scores of people that you matter to and that matter you. Of all those people, on your mind and with so little time you are here with me reading this because I matter to you! I am grateful for you being here on this earth at the same time as me. I believe in us together! I hope you can feel me, but I'm almost sure you can! This matters to me, and to you and to the scores of people you care about. Share the message with me and let us agree. 

The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi believed that if only there were 1500 'individuals' that would meditate together on one thing it would become so. Lets leverage our numbers. Let us WILL peace into the world. Lets pick this date, September 7, 2013 and from that day forward demand peace. Let us be peaceful each within our selves. Let us partake of the getting whatever it is this fragile temporary life has to offer and do something ominously and historically resounding. If you can comment and agree to a pledge one ONE DAY of your life to prove a test so huge that it would take the entire collective will, even all that of humanity to pass. PLEDGE to pass the test! Pray agree, post, share and MAKE THIS HAPPEN.  Not only the war in Syria, but let this be the day remembered as the day peace was rung into the world. Just do your part. Pray, meditate, hope, think on, ponder a peaceful positive outcome. Imagine the leaders of the world waking up with a conscience and leading their collective communities with wisdom, intelligence,  truth, courage, and honor. A world where all believed that no individual should be deprived of food, his friends and family, or the cloths on his back. Where people had eyes to see each other's soul, time to share each other's lives, and love to grow a heart once more for humanity. God bless you. You know I love you; and you probably love me or you wouldn't have read this whole thing. Share the idea. 9/7/13 starting on the morrow on the other side of the world sun up to sundown. Believe in peace.  The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi believed one world government order would be a good thing for the whole planet. We can discuss that next time! 

Dear Digital Friend,♪♫  please read this at least look at :
Try to remember 9/ 7  ~ 97% Peace. 

L Diamond

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